The Cheapskate Intellectual

A journey through matters of spirit, sustainability, and self-reliance

What’s it worth?

Lately I’ve been feeling challenged to keep mindful about spending.  Three things have helped: One, I consulted my credit-counseling service’s client website, where my progress chart looks like this: What a great feeling.  That’s just a little more than $1,500 on one card to go, compared to what was $22,000 on seven cards four years […]

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The miserly spirit.

“Let the Captains of Industry retire into their own hearts, and ask solemnly, If there is nothing but vulturous hunger for fine wines, valet reputation and gilt carriages, discoverable there? Of hearts made by the Almighty God I will not believe such a thing. . . . Arise, save thyself, be one of those that […]

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Learning how to stop.

Last month, my friend Kristin and I went cross-country skiing.  We trekked up to a wooded park on the side of a bluff – a beautiful place, with a snowy trail crossed by deer tracks and the skittery trails of mice, lit by the gray-and-pink light of a winter afternoon.  Winding in and out of […]

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What’s a good Valentine’s Day in Cheapskate-Intellectual-land?

a) The IRS direct-deposited my income-tax refund, first thing this morning.  One chunk goes straight back to savings.  Another chunk goes to bills (including my accountant, because of whom I have this money in the first place.) Maybe the rest can go to a new rug for my living room, to replace the old, now-frayed […]

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Raining Love

Just before Valentine’s Day, a scrap of pink and red flutters in the bare tree in front of Main Building, against a melting gray sky.  “How to Give Gifts from the Heart,” it reads.  “Write stories about your relationship and hang them from the ceiling.  That way it will look like the whole room is […]

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Tibetans: religious freedom. Americans: cheap food.

Not knowing one end of a football field from the other — except when it comes to Auburn vs. Alabama — I don’t watch the Super Bowl. But the news-clip crawl across the top of my email account this morning made me click to read this: Last night I began reading a book I’ve […]

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The winter stew that will change your life.

This post inaugurates another will-be Cheapskate Intellectual feature: writing about food and cooking as an inherently life-enriching (and money-saving) force.  Some of y’all have already seen a version of this, but take advantage while the weather’s still cold! ____ Even as I sat in reverent silence, savoring my first bite of this bit of Provencal […]

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