The Cheapskate Intellectual

A journey through matters of spirit, sustainability, and self-reliance

The emotional surge of the charity splurge.

Back in September, as I was experiencing my first tentative steps into relative debt-free-ness, I received an email from a friend about a concert her husband was co-producing in Manhattan to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, called “Music After.”   Anything you can send, she said, would help.  I gave a small amount […]

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The CI meets Facebook.

Guess it was bound to happen eventually — the CI is now live on Facebook.  Visit the page and click “like” if you have a Facebook account – I’d appreciate it! Periodically I’ll post random photos or links as “bonus tracks” to the regular postings here. Thanks as ever, y’all, for your love and support!

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Buon giorno, Signor Bianchi:, or, enchanting the world.

“If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantments of later […]

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Learning to submit?: Economies of womanhood, personhood, and love.

I believe that what rules us is less the material world of goods and services than the immaterial one of whims, assumptions, delusions, and lies; that only by studying this world can we hope to shape how it shapes us; that only by attempting to understand what used to be called, in a less embarrassed […]

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Occupiers and pseudo-Victorians.

This afternoon was held the first-ever meeting of “Occupy Decorah,” organized through the Northeast Iowa Peace and Justice Center.  We gathered with signs reading everything from POWER TO THE PEACEFUL to IN GOD WE TRUSTED, IN WALL STREET WE BUSTED to REINSTATE GLASS-STEAGALL to I DON’T WANT TO BUY THE KOCHS A WORLD to WE […]

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