A Thing of Beauty

Reading the Romantics in a World on Fire

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A Novel of Mary Shelley and FRANKENSTEIN

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Advanced Fiction

A Writer's Guide and Anthology

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Eldorado, Iowa: A Novel

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The Writer's Eye

Observation & Inspiration for Creative Writers

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The Hands-On Life

How to Wake Yourself Up and Save The World

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Amy E. Weldon

Writer. Teacher. Seeker.

Amy Weldon, an Alabama native, is professor and department head of English at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa and codirector of its biennial Luther College Writers Festival. She is the author of Creature: A Novel of Mary Shelley and Frankenstein (Sea Crow Press, 2025), Advanced Fiction: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023), Eldorado, Iowa: A Novel (Bowen Press Books, 2019), The Writer’s Eye: Observation and Inspiration for Creative Writers (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018), and The Hands-On Life: How to Wake Yourself Up and Save The World (Cascade Books, 2018). Her next book, A Thing of Beauty: Reading the Romantics in a World on Fire, is scheduled for publication by Bloomsbury Academic in 2027.

More about Amy

My purpose as a teacher is to build students’ capacities for life in our challenging, still-beautiful world, so they can power themselves into the future with knowledge, curiosity, and wonder.

The Cheapskate Intellectual

A journey through matters of spirit, sustainability, and self-reliance

  • June 13, 2024

    Mr. Sunak and Mrs. Dalloway.

    One week ago, likely-not-for-much-longer British PM (and probably-soon-to-be-gratefully-reverted-hedgie/tech-bro) Rishi Sunak left the 80th anniversary D-Day celebrations at Normandy early to return to London and prerecord a TV campaign interview. Footage of that moment shows the host murmuring thank you for being here. Just back from Normandy, Sunak says. “It ran over.” Offense piled on offense, […]

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  • February 7, 2024

    ADVANCED FICTION Featured in Luther’s Alumni Magazine.

    Suitably for a book featuring such a large number of Luther Creative Writing alums, Advanced Fiction has just been featured in a lovely alumni-magazine story by Kate Frentzel. Take a look!

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  • December 16, 2023

    CREATURE is forthcoming in 2025!

    Delighted to announce that my novel Creature: A Novel of Mary Shelley and FRANKENSTEIN will be published by Sea Crow Press in the spring of 2025. Students, friends, and family know this has been a long journey (especially to get its first draft of 236,000 words down to a manageable length!), but I am thrilled […]

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